Main advantage of the new scale inhibitor treatment "Encapsulated Inhibitor Treatment" is the placement of the treatment fluids in the rathole rather than squeezing it into the formation. Therefore, the encapsulated scale inhibitor treatment is suitable for the weak wet oil producers with high water cut. Comparing to conventional scale inhibitor downhole squeezing process, encapsulate scale inhibitor treatment is able to maintain a relatively long treating period, spreading a larger area in formations, control the problem of integrity and flow assurance.
Encapsulated pill is not damaging to the formation, frac operation up to 8000 psi or to the proppant pack conductivity. WESTSCALE SI is able to release slowly the treatment for the control of scale downhole for prolonged treatment life and is fully compatible with nonionic, canionic and cationic fluid systems. It is compatible with boron and metal based cross linkers, crude oil, drilling mud, acid and completion brines, suitable pH range 2.0-12.0 and high formation temperature >175 deg C.
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